The following recommended best practices apply to all sanctioned activities, until further guidance is released:
All in-person training should comply with local, regional, and national guidelines for the appropriate number of people in one group and the size of the group.
If possible, field play should be staggered. Play times should also be staggered to minimize large group gathering.
Coaches and players should avoid “high fives”, handshakes and any form of touching.
Spectators should not be allowed except in designated areas. Spectators in those areas should observe social distancing. Where and when possible, it is recommended spectators wait in their cars.
All participants should maintain a minimum of six feet social distancing throughout training, if possible.
It is encouraged to conduct all training outdoors or in an unconfined area.
Areas that are accessible such as bleachers, concession stands, and bathrooms should be cleaned and disinfected daily. To reinforce the need for social distancing, player and referee benches should be removed.
No one should be allowed to attend practice if NOT feeling well, has a fever at or higher than 100.4, or is currently under a quarantine. If exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, including mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough and difficulty breathing, or other symptoms identified by the CDC, players should not be permitted to participate.
Players, coaches, or spectators should not attend any training or events if they have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
Players/coaches should use hand sanitizer before practice, during breaks, and after practice.
Players should not be allowed to share water bottles. Common use rehydrating stations, i.e. drinking fountains, large coolers, etc., should not be provided.
Players should wash uniforms, balls, and any additional equipment after each training.
Players should wear masks when not actively training. A player should be allowed to wear a mask while training, but this will be a personal choice of the player or the player’s parent or guardian.
Clubs may formulate a No Congregating Policy of players or parents in parking lots, at drop off zones, at entrance/exit areas of the facility, or before or after training sessions.
Coaches should wear masks at all times to include before, during and after training and/or games.
Coaches should pick up team equipment and move practice equipment. Team equipment should be cleaned and sanitized after every practice.
Club and/or coaches should have sanitizer available for player and coach use. The club and/or coach should dispense the sanitizer to players needing or requesting it.
Coaches should not provide balls or scrimmage vests. If they are used, they should not be shared and must be washed after every training.